Copy & Paste To Earn $5,000+ Using Google (FREE) | Make Money Online

Copy & Paste To Earn $5,000+ Using Google (FREE) | Make Money Online

He stood here step 3 click submit step for wait for a couple of minutes and then just Hey, what’s up? You look amazing today and an amazing person like you deserves an amazing way to make money online that really works because you can use money to have more amazing experiences holidays cars food clothes shoes and more amazing stuff. So that’s why clicking in this video was one of the best decisions you made now, you are about to learn how you can make thousands of dollars in fewer passive income own an auto pilot a right from


your home without having to invest any money at all. This works for all countries and on top of that it can even be done. Done with just your phone so grab your phone or laptop or a computer and get ready because the life-changing tutorial starts in 3 2 1 go. Okay. Let’s start with step. Number one since this tutorial is going to be divided into actionable steps, which you can easily follow to set up this income stream properly and if you want to make this happen, and if you wanted to work for you, I urge you to just follow each and every step and take action. Don’t just watch the video because that That way it will not work for you if you just watch it and don’t take action and you won’t make any money at all. But if you complete each step, then that will make a difference. Anyways, let’s start with the first step before I show you how we will combine this tool with Google to make loads of money without owning a website. So you do not need to have a website or whatsoever and our first step is going to be coming over to Website called man or mangold’s mango LS dad comes to M A and G oo L since we have never talked about his strategy before you probably don’t even know what his website is all about. Well, man, Google’s is a tool that will improve your SEO your search engine optimization. That means how high your website were ranks and Google How


likely are people to visit your website. How easy is for them to discover it and stuff of that nature, but Don’t worry. Once again, you do not need a website. You don’t have to have any website and you do not need any as your knowledge. You just need to Simply follow the steps from this tutorial and it’s going to be so easy, since you literally don’t need anything that even if a newborn baby knew how to talk. She could watch this tutorial and be able to set this up for herself. Anyways, yes mangles is a tool that helps you rank higher on Google and beat their competition, but you don’t need a website and you do not have to invest any money to To earn from this so your first step is to just come over to And if you want to you can read more about it. So now the Spurs the video go and complete this step and I will be waiting for you and I want you to do the same for every other step watch. It bows the video complete the step come back and watch The Next Step that way by the end of this video. You will have everything set up and ready to make you money. Let’s go to the next step step number two welcome back is so now that you know what man ghouls does you will If you sign up for absolutely free, so click here come to the top of the page and click here and that will take you over to the page that looks something like this. And in order to create an account. You will need to enter your email address create a password click. I’m not a rubber hood and just go to create my mangles account. Once you do you’ll be


successfully login to your mangoes account. That should look something like this. This is the dashboard. So that’s it for now. Just go to and sign up for free create an account and I’ll be waiting for For you and we will jump straight into the step number three. I hope you have completed the previous two steps and you’re already making some progress. If you haven’t completed them yet to go back and complete the first two steps before you get into the third step which is going to be going over to So here we will start using Google the third step is to open Google and for now just leave it open like that. We will start it will start using it in a minute. We just need to copy something first now that you have Google open there it’s time for you to get. Get back to man Ghouls and here on the left hand side. You will be able to see this Affiliates action. You can join their affiliate program that pays 30% reoccurring monthly commissions. And if you go back to their pricing plan, you can see that the most popular one is the $69 per month plan, which means you’re making around twenty dollars and seventy cents per


month per person you refer that’s just from one single person. So that’s pure monthly income without you having to lift a finger you refer 100 people that Only two thousand and seventy dollars per month in pure passive income. No work required once you All of those referrals you can turn off your phone or your computer and just enjoy your earnings do anything you like and of course there are some cheaper but they’re also even more expensive plans from which you can make even more money, but if you stick around until the end of the video, I will show you where you need to put your affiliate link how to copy and paste something and how do we leverage Google in order to get as many referrals as possible for absolutely free, and it’s pretty much going to be a fun process you’re going to see that I promise you it’s going to be a fun process for Now just go to affiliate program and go to prom ethereals here. You can see your affiliate link. So this is the main affiliate link. They will make us money when people click on it. They will be sent to this page where they can sign up to man Ghouls and depending on the plant that you choose we will make monthly income. So you want to copy this affiliate link by clicking on this copy button right here. So you copy that and go to beat Lee beat that Al why Ridley is link shortening services. So in order to make this longer Affiliated


along Phillip link short, And sweet, all you need to do is paste it here click shorten and just copy the shortened version now, it’s a lot more appealing for people to click on it. So that was the staff number for grab your affiliate link and shorten it using bitly complete these tabs and let’s go to the next one step number five now that you have your short and affiliate link. Let’s go back to Google and just think for a second who needs better as yo better rankings and more visitors to their website. Well, obviously every single website. World and there are currently hundreds of billions of them. But more importantly who has enough money to invest into mangles through your affiliate link so they can benefit from the Thule and so you can make passive income every single month keep watching because you’re about to be blown away. This can make it thousands of dollars and you just need to do it once. Anyways, once again who will benefit from this tool but has enough money to invest into it. Well, obviously every business that Has a website and do you know how many of them are out there over 1 billion? Yep, not a million not a 100 million but a 1 billion and you need to just 100 of them just 100 not even 1000 just 100 of them to use your referral link and you will make thousands of dollars every single month. In fact over 20,000 dollars per year without lifting a finger just if 100 of them sign up. That’s just insane, but of course you need Need to put in some work first. This is not a get rich quick scheme and results were right, but for now the step number five you just go to Google think of some business maybe dentist Gene Barbara restaurant pet shop or literally anything you can think of and then just think of some small place a small city or town. You know, for example, I can search for Newberry South Carolina for example, dentist or Newberry G More Greenville G more can’t hire a restaurant like there are endless search release. Search for his olds you can play around and that’s not which make you which can make you the most money which makes you the most money and which gets you the best results. So that’s why I said it’s going to be really fun process. It’s like a game you think of some small place think of some business try out different variations Surge and easily find your referrals in some of the next steps. So for now as an


examples, I will search Newberry Carolina dentist, so you can do anything else. You can even open up a map and randomly pick. Aces I’ll just do this one and I’ll use the business than this test step number six. Once you search for that term and Google’s keep the ads and skip the first three websites that show up at the top of the search results in Google because obviously those guys know how to do a CO properly and they don’t need these tool but all the other thousands and thousands of businesses below them clearly need your help and are willing to invest into their business because they can see a massive return on that investment. So you will open Some of these websites and a 99% of them you will be able to see their contact information either at the bottom or at a top of the West Side. So just find your email address or any other contact form and let’s offer them our affiliate link and help them. Now. I’m not legally allowed to give you any script and that would even be bad because you know, then everyone else will use the same script and it would just come up as a Spam but rather than dead, I will help you craft your own and that’s a lot better and the conversion. It’s going to be a lot higher so we want a simple mask. You can make them click on your affiliate link that takes them to mangles where they can sign up and you will make money so you can start your own message or Email with like Dear Sir or Madam. I saw you were running a nice business or I saw you had a nice restaurant or a nice office or nice coffee shop or a nice jewelry shop or whatever it is. But your website is not ranking. So you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers and then you can maybe say something like I had the same problem recently, but I found some tools online that help me boost my rankings and get a lot more visitors in a matter of day or something like that and they should be in trade now. You can either send them yourith link In your affiliate link after you build some trust with them. And remember you need to do this only once to get some signups once and you will keep making monthly passive income for the next couple of months were couple of years. So sacrifice it some time and effort now and enjoy afterwards it will pay off. So to recap just copy your affiliate link create a script for yourself copy that as well go to Google find some businesses, you know play around and just paste the script with your affiliate link and that’s it. It you will have limb by providing the tool that will boost their business. They will be thankful and you will be happy because you have helped someone but as well you made a lot of money on the back end a lot of passive income. That’s it for this video. Hey, buddy business family. My name is Isabella. I am the owner of to six-figure earning online businesses.

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